Case Studies
Barvin has invested in the success of many properties throughout Texas and the southwestern and southeastern US. From investment to renovation to realization, we have established a set of guiding principles and unique processes that expertly position our acquisitions for prosperity.
The below case studies include our value add portfolio. Barvin transitioned to a core/core plus acquisition and ground up development strategy in 2018 following the compression in cap rates across different asset classes.
Full Cycle Case Studies
The Reserve at Windmill Lakes • Houston, TX
Purchased in 2012-
Occupancy: 95%
Average Rent: $744
The property was experiencing high rent delinquency and turnover
Occupancy: 97%
Average Rent: $840
Turned over property’s resident base to reduce delinquencies
- Spent approximately $4M to repair and renovate exterior and interior of property
Refinanced in 2014
Equity Returned: 60%
IRR: 87.1%
Cash-on-Cash: 23.0%

Country Club Place • Houston, TX
Purchased in 2013-
Occupancy: 10%
Average Rent: $500
Property was nearly vacant
Only one out of five buildings was habitable
Occupancy: 92%
Average Rent: $771
Spent approximately $7.5M to bring the rest of the buildings back on line and renovated exterior and interior of property
- Refinanced in 2017
- Equity Returned: 40%
- IRR: 30.3%
- Cash-on-Cash: 16.6%
The Ellis • Houston, TX
Purchased in October 2017-
Occupancy: 84.7%
Average Rent: $698
Extensive renovations began just three weeks after closing.
Purchased at $13,250,000.
- Previous property owner neglected residents and repairs, leading to high turnover. There was also a significant amount of crime at the property.
Sold in October 2021
- Occupancy: 94%
- Average Rent: $869
- Property was sold for $26,000,000
- Renovations allowed rents to be
substantially increased. - Additionally, lower
bad debt, and lower concessions drove
increased value.
- IRR: 26%
- Achieved Equity Multiple: 2.5x
- Equity Raised: $5,800,000
- Total Realized Value: $14,391,053

The Alora • Houston, TX
Purchased November 2012
- Occupancy: 81.3%
- Average Rent: $596
- Purchased at $7,250,000
- Built in 1973. Poorly maintained, poorly
managed. Centrally located. - Property had a reputation for minor
criminal activity. - Staff was unresponsive to needs of the
residents. Some staff found to have been
stealing from the property. - Extensive renovations commenced upon
Sold December 2021
- Occupancy: 92.8%
- Average Rent: $988
- Property was sold for $36,000,000
- Strategy of complete rehab of property
itself as well as property reputation. - An experienced Barvin manager assigned
to the property. Problem residents asked to
vacate. Property restaffed. - Property transitioned from utilities
included to a RUBS allocation program.
IRR: 39%
- Achieved Equity Multiple: 8.4x
- Equity Raised: $3,500,00
- Total Realized Value: $29,274,927

Redwood Gardens • Houston, TX
Purchased in October 2017
- Occupancy: 90.6%
- Average Rent: $550
- Purchased at $8,750,000
- Property in a state of disrepair
- Issues surrounding timely payment of rents, criminal activity on the apartment grounds, and residents disregarding communal space & property cleanliness.
Sold in October 2021
- Occupancy: 93.9%
- Average Rent: $796
- Property was sold for $15,500,000
- Resolved staffing issues by utilizing seasoned Barvin managers and staff from a neighboring property.
- Evicted non-paying tenants and criminal elements. Reset resident expectations involving timely rent payments and property cleanliness.
- New, designer-created branding and paint scheme created additional value.
- IRR: 27%
- Achieved Equity Multiple: 2.5x
- Equity Raised: $3,150,000
- Total Realized Value: $7,805,589

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